An Awesome Searchmetrics Content Experience Alternative

Use machine learning insights to inform your content

Turn yourself or any writer into a subject matter expert in minutes. Use the insights from competitor's articles to highlight crucial topics you need to make your article complete.

Ensure you don't miss crucial information your searchers are looking for. Show Google you deserve to rank by improving the overall comprehensiveness of your article.

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Entity Explorer

See at a glance the most relevant topics, entities and concepts to include in your content. Analzye the top 30 results to find the most salient entities and their frequency in competing documents.

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FAQs From People Also Ask, Quora + More

Guide the searcher through their entire research journey. Answer the questions they might have before and after purchasing your product. Gain both long tail visibility and topical relevance with every piece of supporting content you write.

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Thousands of keyword suggestions, grouped for you

Plan out your content with speed. Each topic research job collects and combines keyword suggestions, questions and more. Using our keyword groups feature you can quickly find ideas for new articles and sections to support your key content.

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Searchmetrics Content Experience Pricing vs SEO Scout

SEO Scout Searchmetrics Content Experience
Price per month From $29 Price On Request
Reports Per Month 30 at $99/mo
Analyzes competing pages Yes
Uses TD*IDF or other outdated frequency based scores No
Uses advanced NLP Yes Y
Other features People Also Ask questions, keyword planner, rank checker and SEO testing tools Keyword research, competitor analysis and keyword opportunities

Searchmetrics Content Experience review

Offered as part of SearchMetric's suite of tools, the Content Experience tool is similar to SEO Scout in that it looks at the relationships between entities and the content that appears in Google. They also offer a Briefing section similar to our content planner to help instruct writers how to better optimize their content. They also offer SERP visibility reports and an onpage crawler.

Our keyword tool vs..